an authentic leadership development program for women

Hone your leadership identity, exercise your voice, and claim your seat at the table by participating in our signature Next Level Program. This proven leadership development approach allows you to creatively explore ideas, successes, failures, and new ways of leading alongside a coach and fellow women leaders to address your real-life challenges, right now.


    Start by completing a leadership profile assessment. Through an individualized report and a 90-minute coaching session, you’ll gain clarity on the strengths and pitfalls of your leadership approach and identify opportunities for growth.


    Put your learning to action with tailored tools and strategies that integrate into your workflow. The experiments will challenge you to apply leadership best practices and embody new perspectives and approaches.


    You will convene in facilitated coaching and mentoring circles to extend your action learning. Circles gather 6 times with a focus on growing leadership capacities and coaching one another through timely leadership challenges.


    Following the last coaching circle, you will engage in a final individual coaching session to synthesize learning and gauge progress toward goals. You will also work with your coach to establish an on-going leadership development plan.

upcoming cohort: navigating complexity

check back soon for dates of the next cohort

Discover the mindsets that will take you to the next level, the mindtraps that are currently holding you back, and the opportunities that unfold when you expand your ways of being, thinking, and acting.


Next Level kicks off with individual executive coaching. Complete the Key Polarity Indicator mindset assessment and engage in a 90-minute debrief and coaching session to identify your leadership mindsets and capacities.

Next, executive coaches Dr. Allie Cox & Dr. Kara Fresk will lead you and a small group of your peers through 6 Collective Development Circles™ and action learning experiments focused on expanding mindsets for authentic leadership.

Leaning on the research and work of Dr. Brian Emerson & Dr. Kelly Lewis, we will navigate 6 common complexities that can either help or hinder us in leading effectively and whole-heartedly.

After addressing each leadership polarity in a Collective Development Circle™, you complete the program with a final 90-minute individual coaching session focused on enacting your new leadership mindsets.


Individual 90-minute coaching sessions are scheduled directly with your executive coach

Collective Development Circles meet weekly for 90 minutes on a day and time determined by the cohort

all meetings occur virtually via Zoom


Next Level includes

  • Leadership Key Polarity Indicator (KPI) mindset assessment

  • two individual coaching sessions with Dr. Cox or Dr. Fresk

  • six collective coaching sessions

  • micro-mentoring from established women leaders

  • a copy of Navigating Polarities by Brian Emerson and Kelly Lewis

  • a journal

  • all supporting material

  • access to a curated community of women leaders

Total Cost:

early bird rate = $1,295

full rate = $1,595

Next Level is limited to an intimate size for optimal learning conditions. We strongly recommend registering early. We will accept registrations on a first come, first served basis.


  • The Next Level Program is designed for women in middle to upper management across business and industry who wish to strengthen their leadership, increase their influence, and take actionable steps toward their goals in community with other women.

    Next Level members have:

    • Responsibility for people, projects, or processes in their organization

    • 10+ years of work experience

    • 3+ years of direct supervisory responsibilities

    • Commitment to their own growth and development

    • A desire to support other women in their leadership development

    • Gain access to a community of professional peers who can relate to your challenges and needs as a woman leader

    • Navigate and accelerate your leadership development with the support of 2 experienced executive coaches and the collective wisdom of your cohort

    • Benefit from cutting-edge leadership thinking and insights through hyper-curated resources and materials

    • Learn from senior executive women with insider knowledge and insights through micro-mentoring

  • Specific assessment tools are selected based on the focus of each cohort. Assessments used most frequently include Hogan Assessments and the Key Polarity Indicator.

  • We ask that members attend all scheduled Collective Development Circles. Much of the benefit of the program comes from hearing and contributing to the collective wisdom of the group. That said, we understand that busy schedules and emergencies happen. We ask that if you know you will have to miss a circle in advance, you wait and enroll the next time the program is offered.

  • Yes! We’ve had great success offering Next Level in organizations, both with in-tact leadership teams and with leaders across different departments in the same organization. Contact us to discuss how we can tailor Next Level for your organization.

  • We offer a Next Level program designed specifically for early career professionals. Join our mailing list if you’d like to be among the first to know when we open registration. We also offer the early career Next Level program in organizations. Contact us if you’d like to discuss bringing Next Level to your organization.

  • How much do you remember about the sessions you attended at your last conference? What about the people you met— how invested were they in your growth and development?

    Next Level is different. While conferences offer a broad, and often surface-level array of sessions and most programs offer one-size-fits-all content and tools, Next Level goes deeper. This program is tailored to meet your specific leadership needs and address your real-life leadership challenges, so you can move forward on the issues and mindsets holding you back. You will learn and apply the latest strategies for your own leadership development in a tight-knit community with other women leaders— not sitting alone in a workshop or session. Your learning will last longer than the length of a conference, and your growth will influence your entire career. One of the members of our most recent cohort called the program "life changing."

  • Many organizations allocate professional development funding for their employees, and these funds are available in a general pool to be divided up as the supervisor sees fit. Professional development funding often goes to the person who simply asks for it.

    We recommend addressing it with your supervisor in person— in-person requests are 34 times more likely to get a "yes" than those made in email. Asking at the beginning of the conversation rather than the end will also increase your chances of them saying "yes."

    To ask for your supervisor to cover the costs, try saying something like:

    "I'd like to participate in a leadership development program called Next Level to help me lead more effectively and move forward on some tough challenges. It meets about once/month for 90 minutes between September and December, so it doesn't pull me away from the office for any extended period of time. The real value of this program is I'll learn tools to expand my perspective and leadership mindset while also receiving coaching on some of the habits and mindtraps that are holding my work back. I'll be able to finish out this year strong and set a solid foundation going into 2023. Would you be willing to support this?"

Ready for the next level? Contact us today for an introductory call!