Move beyond learning one-size-fits-all leadership strategies on your own and unlock your authentic leadership identity with in-depth, tailored coaching. Clients address their most pressing leadership challenges by shifting their mindset and adopting new approaches to leading based on their goals and values.

Our Coaching Approach

Coaching is about you - your goals, your growth, your success. We’re here to propel and support you on that journey. While each coaching engagement is individualized, here’s what you can expect…

  • You will complete a virtual 360 assessment designed to provide reputational insights. Upon completion of the assessment, you’ll receive a suite of reports that highlight your day-to-day leadership behaviors, your reputational risks, and your motivation factors.

  • You will engage in 12 coaching sessions that all build upon each other. You’ll start by exploring your goals, strengths, and growth edges. Next, you’ll experiment with behavior-based tools and strategies designed to expedite progress toward your goals. In your final sessions, you’ll design an on-going action plan for further growth and success.

  • Your coach will facilitate meetings with up to 5 key stakeholders to gain further clarity on your leadership assets and to illuminate blindspots.

  • You will likely encounter timely leadership challenges throughout your coaching engagement. You can turn those challenges into learning experiences by engaging with your coach on-demand. Using virtual technology, you can connect with your coach to debrief timely situations outside of your regular coaching sessions.

  • Throughout your coaching engagement, you will receive a variety of tools to aid in your leadership discovery and growth. In addition to supporting your success in the here and now, you can use the tools for future growth and to foster professional development within your team.

Ready to start your coaching journey? Contact us today for an introductory call!